Red Boxing by Zeno Strifer Over the years I have seen red box users from all over the country. I‚ve seen newness smash there new expensive boxes on the floor cause "they cant get it to work". I have seen expert phreaks get away with murder using only a tape deck. What is the trick to this elementary phreaking tool? This information is know by most phleet people but to newbies the ideas are a bit more jaw dropping. A few things must be kept in mind when using the red box. You should understand how a pay phone works and why you cant use it at certain phones. This article is bent on teaching you a few do's and don‚ts of red boxing. The first thing to understand is the red box manipulates certain tones, so any recording you have must be prices in order to have it go throw. A to loud or quiet tone will cases a operator to come on and bitch. persistence is important. Second, a pay phone can not hold more then $3.00 in the hooper at a time. I have had people call me with $8.00 or more dollars at a time. some times you will get luck and it will work the first 3 minutes, but once the operator comes on it will be a pain in the ass. (if you didn‚t know $3.00 is 12 quarter beeps.) Also don‚t have the "quarters" be right after another try and have a slit brake in-between the quarters, I‚m not sure if the operators can detect this but hey better safe then less call time. Number three, this one might sound elementary but you‚d be suprised! GTE pay phones are not the only ones in the world! There are these ugly ones called COCOT's (customer owned coin operated telephones). these are not red boxbul cause generally they are on regular phones and only put your call throw when it physically "feels" the money. NOTE: there is a way to get free calls but there are text files about that already. Some modern phones have something called a "phone fraud Chip". it is a little black chip inside its belly that cheeks your tones against "fake" tones generated by the ever so loving red box. These are a bitch. I cant box on these phones and I don‚t know if the phone will work without them but maybe if I robe a newer pay phone and see what I can do with it. There is a up side to this though. inside the chip is a small electric crystal, and you guessed it its the right type for a red box! At least I think, I haven‚t tried it to this date (wed 9-30-98) but plan to in the next month or so. I hope this small text could help shed some light on the subject of red boxing, and remember. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD YOU EVER EVER PAY FOR A PHONE CALL @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ /|\ >/| < @@@ @@@ |< >/ | < @@@ @@@ |< >/ | < @@@ @@@ |<-->/ ___| < @@@ @@@ |< >/ | < @@@ @@@ |<>/ | < @@@ @@@ |/ \|/ @@@ @@@@@@@ New: Age: Assassins: Production: Collaborated ideas by: "the rest of the N.a.A. crew." Nice file. Small, but very good info. Thanks a lot.